LCE PTA needs your sweet support! We're selling yummy See's Candies for our Spring fundraiser.
Visit our online shop by clicking the link below to pick and choose your favorites and buy your candy online and get it delivered to your house. It's that easy! All the orders must be placed by 3/25/2022.
Happy shopping, and thanks for your support!
Approximately 40% of all sales dollars are returned to LCE and proceeds will be used to help fund school projects, programs, and activities! CHARLESTON WRAP online shopping is a great way to involve out-of-town friends and relatives. There are over 500 products on the Charleston Wrap website. Online orders are shipped directly to the purchaser's home.
For our school to benefit, LCE's online ID# 11717 must be provided when entering the shopping portion of the website. If you have any questions, please email Amy Kelly at Thank you for your support!